Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Excited Sadness...(by Michael & Lindsay)

Three-hundred eleven pounds.

15x the weight of Ella.

Designed in Sweden.

Astronomical price tag.

Delivered to our house and received with mixed emotions.

The Permobil K450 MX is here.  

Having this piece of machinery in our house for our 18-month old daughter strikes many chords with us.  

We are excited to have it because it means that Ella now has a long-term solution to her lack of mobility but it carries with it the reminder of what SMA is doing to her body.

We are grateful that modern technology has equipped Ella with a state-of-the-art wheelchair that will allow her to experience the world in a way she hasn't yet and might not have without it.  It brings with it the awesome task of preparing her, Ava & Henry, and ourselves to live with this monster of a machine in our living spaces.

We are in awe at the capabilities the Permobil boasts; it's versatility, power, and parent-friendly controls.  It calls us to the reality that our house will not for long be able to accommodate Ella and her needs.

The excitement in her face when we were making the final adjustments to the chair right before she was to sit in it lit up her cheeks.  She eyed it from as many angles as she could manage and sat willingly in the tiny chair designed just for her.

She took command of the controls almost immediately.  Seeking to explore the new found experience that lay before her.  The buttons delighted her.  It's capabilities enthralled her.  The sheer magnitude of it enveloped her as she gathered ever increasing confidence with every moment she was in control.  

The training that will be required captured our attention as we watched how she attempted to navigate the tiny room she was in.  This will be a task among tasks to teach her how to maneuver the 311 lb. chair with her delicate 1.5 inch fingers. It will take weeks, if not months, before she will be truly independent in this chair.  Not to mention the fact that we have house & car modifications that will require time before they are completed.

Looking at the Permobil K450 MX boggles the mind.  It tells of a society that has advanced itself.  It boasts of a society that has dedicated itself to those (within the society) that need help.  

It also brings to life the reality of why it exists.  

It excites and saddens us that Ella has this in her life.  

Oh...by the way, we've decided this new chair needs a name.  Any suggestions?  If so leave a comment...