Monday, August 27, 2012

New Braces (by Lindsay)

Today I took Ella to pick up two new braces that have been custom made for her...her TLSO (Thoracic Lumbar Sacral Orthotic) and her KAFOs (Knee Ankle Foot Orthotics).

The TLSO is a back brace that will help to keep her spine in a straight position, as she is already developing scoliosis.  We will ease her into wearing it, as it is a little bulky and will take some getting used to.  But in about 10 days, she will be wearing it for most of her waking hours.

The KAFOs are leg braces to help her with standing.  Once they are on, the knees can lock, providing her with the extra support she needs to bear weight.  She still bends at the hips very easily, so it helps if she is up against a wall (we can pull a small table up to her there).  

Below are some pictures showing what Ella's posture is like with and without the TLSO as well as a couple pictures of her standing with the KAFOs...

Putting the TLSO on for the first time
It fits!

In her wheelchair without the TLSO

In her wheelchair wearing the TLSO

Sitting on the floor without the TLSO

Sitting on the floor wearing the TLSO

Back view without the TLSO

Back view wearing the TLSO

Standing at the table with her KAFOs (she could do this for about 3 seconds)

My favorite...seeing our Squishy standing so tall all by herself!!