Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Little Did We Know (by Michael & Lindsay)

It requires some work.

It needs some elbow-grease.

It calls for some love.

We have all three to shower upon it.

Our new home.  A well-built, 4-bedroom house surrounded by a large yard, neighboring people who are simply fantastic.  

When we stepped into this house two months ago a feeling of comfort, of security, and "knowing" filled us.  It was as if the house tapped us on the shoulder and motioned us toward it.  Many people commented that we seemed so "calm" during the process of buying the house...and we probably appeared that way.  Truth be known, we had a sense of calm about us simply because of what the house meant to us; because of what it promised.

Little did we know that the promise it boasted came with so much more...namely a neighborhood that we've dreamed of and a place that holds such potential for Ella's independence.   

Our children can, for the first time in their lives, exit the back door and play with kids from the neighborhood...no playdates need to be coordinated, no texting, no plans for a simple afternoon of play.  It resonates of the days of our youth...a simpler time.

Our new home is the product of a combined effort by family, friends, and strangers.  An effort to provide Ella with the independence that has been robbed of her by SMA.  We move forward, building ramps, finding outside play equipment, conferring with agencies, researching adaptive devices, and planning for the future.

We have our hopes.  We have our dreams.  More importantly though, we have each other.  And together we will work, provide elbow-grease, shower love and create memories in our new home.

Enjoy some pictures... 

Ella in our family room

Ella's bedroom

The kids' bathroom

A large backyard to play in

Three very happy children :)