Monday, March 24, 2014

That Tiny Space; So Filled...(by Michael)

The feeling was warmth.

The feeling was inclusive.

The feeling was as if arms were wrapping around us in an eternal hug.

St. Timothy Lutheran Church, our church, brought to us a night of warmth, inclusion, and hugs as they hosted a Bingo Fundraiser for Ella.

Young and old came from near and far to sit for an evening of white elephant gifts, candy and popcorn, pizza and pop surrounded by the infectious sounds of the classic bingo game.  A night that is etched not only in the memories of our family, but in the minds of so many who were involved.

A parishioner approached me the day after the fundraiser to express her exhilaration about the event.  She knew that the Bingo Night was successful simply by the attendance therein, yet she marveled at the young people who took a part in it. She was thrilled by the fact that compassion was experienced by these young people first-hand rather than them simply being told to be compassionate.  She called it their "witness".

As the parents of Ella we can only sit in wonder and awe at how God works through so many to take care of one of his children.  He orchestrates talents and ambitions, personalities and skills, love and labor to bring about His glory, His agenda, His will.  And through it all Ella benefits from the blessings that He has bestowed upon her, as do all whom had a partaking in the event, whether it be as a planner, a worker, a donor, a participant, or simply an onlooker.  He has moved His hand over the tiny space known as St. Tim's in Naperville and brought to Ella a chance for her to be all that He intends for her to be.

She's a fortunate girl, that Ella Casten...and we are fortunate to be part of her journey; as it's through her journey that we are finding the Truth and compassion that is meant to be in all of us.