Friday, August 23, 2013

First Day of School! (by Lindsay)

This morning I watched our baby girl leave our house on a school bus that would take her to her first day of preschool.

It was a moment of mixed emotions for me.

I didn't know what to expect from Ella.  Would she cry?  Would she be scared?

I knew that Ella has been so excited to start school, but I also knew that she was a little nervous about taking the bus by herself.

But in usual "Ella" style, she was a champ :)

She was all smiles this morning getting on the bus.  But once she was on the bus, she was very serious.  I know she was a little nervous, but I think she was also proud.  Proud to be a "big girl".

As the bus drove away, I had an empty feeling in the pit of my stomach.  I've never not had Ella at home when I was there.  It was hard to watch her leave.  She's still my baby, after all.

When I got back in the house it was quiet.  Very quiet.  Henry was still home (he starts preschool after Labor Day), but he's pretty self-sufficient.  

I didn't hear the usual (and frequent) words coming from our youngest child: 

"Mommy, I need help!"

"Mommy, I want a different toy!"

"Mommy, I want to go down the basement!"

"Mommy, I want a drink/snack!"

"Mommy, I need to go potty!"

"Moooooommmmmmyyyyy, I need you!!!"

It was strange not hearing that little voice almost constantly.

So I sat in the silence for a few minutes, thinking about Ella, wondering if she had arrived at school yet.

After a bit I went and played some Wii with Henry and then we had a snack.  

Then I dusted, vacuumed and washed the floors.

As it was getting closer to the time that Ella was to return home, Henry and I went out in the front yard to play a little soccer while we waited for the bus.

At last Ella arrived, and I saw a huge smile on her face through the bus window :)

She said she had a GREAT time at preschool, and then proceeded to tell me all about her morning.  I was so proud of our little Squishy :)

Here's Ella getting off the bus...

And here is Ella talking about her morning at preschool (with a little attitude, which I LOVE :))...