Monday, February 20, 2012

Ella's Michael

The first hug that wrapped around each of us as we entered York High School on Feb. 19, 2012 brought with it tears. The last one as we left summoned the deepest feelings of love and gratitude that we have ever felt.

Ella's Day cannot be described in any other way than to say it was an incredible way for so many people to show their love and support for Ella and our family.

Over the past five and a half months, while the planning was taking place for this event, Lindsay and I met with the lead coordinator for a total of two times. She took the healm to orchestrate the event, showing the utmost in respect for our family and our emotional vulnerability.

After returning to CMH after Ella's Day, we sat in the hospital room with our Squishy, we were in awe of what we imagined must have taken place in order for this day to be the incrediblhy positive reality it was. We knew that so many people in our lives and a host of businesses came together to help. We knew that people who have no connection to us, apart from hearing or reading Ella's story, stepped forward in so many ways; pouring out their generosity. We knew that people spent hours upon hours coordinating, meeting, conversing, and making decisions on our behalf...on Ella's behalf. We knew that even though people have lives of their own, problems of their own, and struggles of their own they found time to focus their attention on Ella.  We knew that Ella had found a place in the hearts of so many.

Despite our exhaustion from spending the three nights and four days at Children's Memorial Hospital prior to the event helping Ella battle her first case of pneumonia (which was brought on by RSV) we knew that being at Ella's Day was important to us for so many reasons.

Our lives changed upon learning that our youngest has SMA. Our daily life is (and will continue to be) strikingly different to say the least. Our perspective on life and what it holds for us has taken on a new meaning; one that includes the constant reminder that not only is life itself precious beyond our deepest awareness, it is also intertwined with everyone else's life in ways that can never be imagined.

Lindsay and I sat quietly with Ella as she fell asleep. The hum of her bipap machine softly telling us that it was doing its job was the only sound in the room. She had a hold of each of our hands as sleep began to overcome her. I often wonder what she thinks as she sits quietly with us. I know her mind is as beautiful as her spirit; and just as strong, too.

Lindsay and I will continue to hold fast to the promise we made to each other, the promise we made to Ella. We will continue to do our very best for her, for Ava and Henry, and for each other. That promise has been made easier to fulfill because of all the wonderful, caring people we are privileged to have in our life.

The day that was set aside for Ella has come to a close. The day that brought so many people together in so many ways has found its own slumber. The day that will forever bring memories and feelings of warmth, comfort, and healing to us has gracefully found its way into our hearts and will stay there forever.