Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Lost Photographer! Can you help?


Back in early winter, we received an incredibly generous gift from an anonymous donor.  

A family photography session with a professional photographer.  

We received a letter from this photographer explaining the details of the gift.

Since this is not something we typically do (or have EVER done), we wanted to make sure to use this photography session at an ideal time.  We were thinking spring or summer.

We put the photographer's note away, knowing we'd be taking it out again in the near future.

Which brings us to now.  We have searched high and low for the note from the photographer, and we have been unable to relocate it.  We're thinking it got mixed up with medical documents/paperwork somewhere.

This puts us in an awkward position.  Obviously the donor wishes to be anonymous, and we completely respect that.  At the same time, we absolutely want to use this incredible gift (as I'm sure the donor would like us to)!!

So our request is this...if you are that person, would it be possible to notify the photographer and request that they send us another note?

We feel pretty embarrassed for this request, as we feel AWFUL for misplacing such a valuable note in the first place.

Either way, thank you, from the bottom of our hearts for your incredible thoughtfulness :)

-Lindsay & Michael