Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Knight for Ella...(by Michael)

The moments before bed are the best times to whisper into the ears of our children; to tell them how they delight our lives, the ways in which we love them, and to place a soft kiss upon their tender skin.

The other night I had Ella in my arms, rocking her before placing her in her crib.  The lights were off, the usual glow of the moon gently making its way into the room, the flicker of the "flameless-candle" that reads, "Be still and know that I am God..." danced on the ceiling.

As Ella's eyes softened and began to pave the way for slumber I whispered into her ear the words, "There are so many people that love you.  We will all help to take care of you."  I stroked her under her chin and she nuzzled her head against my chest, seemingly understanding the words that found her ear.  After our prayer I placed her gently into her crib, kissed her goodnight, and allowed slumber to wrap its arms around our little girl.

The next evening Lindsay and I walked into a room filled with the anticipation of grand things to come.  The air carried with it the pleasing aromas of fresh food, music flowed from live musicians bringing with it an atmosphere of rhythmic excellence.  We were greeted by former students of ours and their parents.  They were there for Ella.  "A Knight for Ella".

The person who orchestrated the event did so with grace, respect, compassion, and style.  She knows the unconditional love that children bring to our lives.  She reached out to us with her own story; sharing with us her insights, experiences, and wisdom.  Spending those few hours with her proved to be a gift in and of itself for us.

The night spoke of the incredible passion people have for one another.  We witnessed the closeness that had been formed between so many people; they laughed with one another, danced with one another, hugged one another, and joked with one another.  They were connected.  They brought themselves to the "Knights of Columbus" event hall to share with us their love, support, and generosity in the name of our daughter, Ella.

At one point, sitting off to the side, we were able to take in the blessings of the event.  We were able to breathe in the love that filled the rooms, we were able to be still and know that God has us in His hands.

I told many people that I would give Ella a kiss for them.  Each time I do her skin is soft and her touch is warm...and she smiles each time I place a gentle kiss on her cheek.

From our family to those who were part of a "Knight for Ella"~~our deepest gratitude.