Saturday, January 21, 2012

Ella's Back (by Lindsay)

I'm concerned.

That might be an understatement.

We know that Ella will develop scoliosis at some point. We were told probably not until later in childhood. But at her first visit at the Shriner's clinic (in September), the orthopedic surgeon said he noticed a little curve already. But it was nothing to worry about yet, as her bones are still flexible.

Well, we've been noticing that when Ella is in her little wheelchair, she's really starting to slouch to one side. Her trunk muscles just aren't strong enough to support herself in a completely upright position.

So I decided to take a closer look.

I took off her shirt and had her lean forward a little so I could really see and feel her spine.

And it is noticeably curved.

So now I'm worried. She's not going to the new clinic (at Children's) until April. At that visit she'll meet with her new orthopedic surgeon (along with the other doctors/therapists) and will be evaluated.

I'm concerned that having her sit in her little chair is only going to make her back worse. Sitting in the power chair will be MUCH better as it is much more supportive (and it can tilt back if she looks like she's fatiguing and starting to slouch).

But we don't have the car to accommodate the power chair (yet). And we definitely don't have the house for it.

I'm almost scared to talk to the doctors about this, because I don't want more bad news. I know that is so incredibly selfish, but I don't want them to tell us that she shouldn't use the little chair anymore.

I just want to cry.

Ella is leaning in her chair after sitting in it for about 3 minutes.

Despite my efforts to straighten her while sitting, her slouching (due to muscle weakness) is causing her spine to curve.