Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Special Spaces Room Makeover! (by Lindsay)

Yesterday was a very special day for Ella (and our entire family).

But first, let's back up.  Several months ago, I received a call from one of Ava's friend's mom, Dina.  Dina told me that she hoped I didn't mind, but she nominated Ella for a room makeover through a national organization called Special Spaces, and they picked Ella!  I was so surprised!  Definitely not a call I was expecting.  Dina was so inspired by Ella and her story, so she wanted to do something nice for her/our family :)

At the time that Ella was picked for a room makeover, we were still in our old house so we wanted to wait until we moved to have the makeover happen.  Of course Special Spaces agreed.

Once we were in our new house, the Special Spaces team (led by Kelly Knox) came to meet Ella and our family and to see the room.  They wanted to know what we'd like changed and any ideas that we might have for the new room.  

We discussed that we'd really like for Ella's medical equipment to be hidden during the day.  We don't like that her bedroom looks more like a hospital room due to all of this equipment next to her bed (for nighttime use).

Kelly also wanted to know what Ella wanted her room to look like.  Ella picked some pink bedding that she liked and said she wanted a tree with flowers on the wall :)  She also said she wanted a rug.  

Over the course of several weeks, Kelly and I exchanged countless emails, phone calls and texts discussing other needs/wants that we had in mind for Ella's room.  The anticipation was building and Ella couldn't WAIT for her new room.

Finally the day was here!  Our whole family had to be out of the house for the entire day, so that we would be completely surprised for the "reveal" at the end of the day.  Michael was working, so the kids and I decided to spend the day at our good friends', the Sharpes, house.  We were all so anxious/nervous/excited the entire day!  Even though we had given some ideas, we really had no idea how the room as going to come together.

At last it was time for us to return home for the reveal!  We were greeted by camera crews and photographers (this story will be featured by a local broadcast station as well as a website...we'll share links to the stories when we receive them!).  Michael, the kids and I were all interviewed "before" and then again "after".  It was all very exciting.

Once the team had everything cleaned up, it was time for Ella (and us) to see her new room!  We slowly walked up the stairs (Michael carried Ella in her small manual wheelchair) and we reached the door.  We let Ella go first and she was speechless!  As soon as I walked in the room behind her the tears started to flow.  

The room was more beautiful that we ever could have imagined.  It was like a page out of a magazine!  It was absolutely stunning.  Ella got her new pink bed, a gorgeous tree mural on the wall and so many precious details that tied the entire room together.  

There was an incredible storage system that went up the sides and over the top of the bed for Ella's medical equipment.  And there were so many other extra touches that will make life easier for us (including a flat screen TV on the wall for when Ella gets sick or recovers from surgery and has to stay in her room with her bi-pap on)!  And I can't forget the HUGE piles of gifts that were purchased for Ava, Henry and Ella to enjoy!

We really didn't know what to say.  How could we possibly express our gratitude for this amazing room for our daughter?!?  A room that she LOVES and a room that will make caring for her just a little bit easier.  

We are forever indebted to the Special Spaces team that made this room possible.  Thank you, Special Spaces!!!!

And now, for the before and after pictures!!


Ella's old room

The machines by her bed

Her changing table

Entrance and closet

And after...

Ella's new room

Changing table with so many special touches

The beautiful tree

A wonderful chair for sitting and snuggling

Ella's medical equipment behind the doors (as well as other cute touches)

Ella sleeping with her machines

A great organizer to hold her braces while she is being dressed/undressed