Sunday, July 14, 2013

Backyard Campout (by Lindsay)

It all started when we were sitting out on the deck one afternoon, and one of the kids said, "I wish we could sleep outside."

Michael and I looked at each other, then replied, "Well, we actually CAN sleep outside if we get a tent."

Of course from that point on, all we heard was, "When can we get a tent so we can sleep outside?!?!?"

So we got a tent.  We needed to get one big enough to fit all of us as well as Ella's equipment and luckily we found a great deal for one at Costco :)

So last Thursday night we set up camp and we were all super excited about it :)

That night we got in our PJs and sat around the fire pit and made s'mores.  Once it was dark out, we tucked the kids in bed and hooked Ella up to her bipap and feeding pump.  Of course they didn't fall asleep for quite awhile, as they were so excited :)  But eventually they did.  Michael and I stayed up a little longer by the campfire, but soon we went to bed in the tent as well.

Ava and Henry were passed out the entire night.

Ella was a little bit of a different story.  She woke us up many times whimpering.  She wasn't fully awake, but we think she was just uncomfortable.  We had all three kids sleeping on the mattress from our fold-out couch in our family room.  The mattress is definitely not the most comfortable thing in the world.  So finally, around 4:30 am, we had Ella sleep with us and she slept until morning (we were on a memory foam mattress topper).  But next time we camp out in the tent, we're going to bring out our old crib mattress for Ella to sleep on, hoping she'll be more comfortable :)

When we woke up to the birds chirping, all three kids kept talking about how much fun it was to sleep outside and how they want to do it again!  We're planning our second backyard campout for sometime this week :)

And maybe, just maybe, we'll get to the point of actually going somewhere else to camp.  

We'll see ;)

Here are some pictures from our little backyard adventure: