Sunday, August 5, 2012

Pulmonary Appointment (by Lindsay)

This past Friday was Ella's pulmonary check-up with Dr. Prestridge at Children's (she goes every three months).  

Overall, everything looks great.  Ella is breathing well and doesn't appear to be working too hard for breaths.

Dr. Prestridge did notice that Ella's chest shape is becoming slightly abnormal.  Her chest has a normal square shape on the sides, however, there is a slight protrusion developing toward the center.  This is due to her muscle weakness.

We talked about how Ella wakes up frequently throughout the night.  Dr. Prestridge thinks this could be because her bipap settings need to be adjusted again.  So we are going to be scheduling another sleep study for these settings to be evaluated and possibly have her pressures increased.  

Finally, Dr. Prestridge suggested a new therapist for us to visit who specializes in chest therapy.  There is a 4-6 month wait to see this woman, but she said it will be well worth it.  So we will be contacting this person on Monday.  

Overall, we were happy with the appointment.  We're hopeful that maybe changing Ella's bipap settings will allow us all to get a little more sleep at night!